Aim: Preventing a LIONfish invasion in the MEDiterranean through early response and targeted REmoval (RELIONMED)
Objectives: This project aims to make Cyprus the first line of defence against the invasion of the lionfish in the Mediterranean. The project’s main objectives are a) to develop in Cyprus the necessary capacity and mechanisms to be able to act as a first line of defence against the lionfish invasion and other invasive species invasions from the red sea, b)to demonstrate the effectiveness of a range of lionfish invasion prevention measures such as the development and implementation of an early surveillance and detection system and a removal response system and c) to develop the tools so that the built capacity can be transferred and replicated in other countries of the Mediterranean that will in the future face the lionfish in their waters.
Study Sites: All coastal sites of Cyprus, particularly Marine Protected Areas and areas that have been impacted by the invasion.
Collaborators: University of Cyprus, Department of Fisheries and Marine Research, Marine and Environmental Research Lab (MER) and the University of Plymouth.
Duration: 01/09/2017 – 31/08/2021
Funded by: LIFE Programme
Collaborators: University of Cyprus, Department of Fisheries and Marine Research, Marine and Environmental Research Lab Ltd, University of Plymouth

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