Aim: CYprus Cold-corals Levantine SeA, Eastern MEditerraneaN, The study of cold water coral communities around Cyprus.
Objectives: Within the framework of the two-year project, CYCLAMEN will conduct a detailed study of cold coral (also known as deep water coral) communities in Cypriot waters, the first of its kind in the the eastern Mediterranean.The research will include an environmental characterization of the area, as well as a study of the spatial distribution of deep coral communities. In addition to the study of the biology of the coral species and their responses to environmental changes through ecophysiological examinations, genetic studies of the corals will also be conducted. This is a pioneer project for Cyprus and, through its associated scientific outreach programme, it aims to disseminate information about these ecosystems, still mostly unknown, to the general public.
Duration: 01/12/2014 – 30/11/2016
Funded: Total Foundation
More Information on the project’s Website here.
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