CERECON (Cyprus Elasmobranch Research and
Conservation Network)

Aim: To understand the biology and ecology of threatened and data deficient elasmobranch species as well as understand their trade and the perception of stakeholders on the importance of elasmobranchs and increase awareness in order to enhance conservation.


  1. To enhance knowledge on the relative (in Mediterranean and Global terms) diversity and abundance of elasmobranch species occurring in Cyprus waters.
  2. To understand the preferred benthic habitats of key threatened species, identify important benthic assemblages and prey species (through dietary analyses) of elasmobranchs in the waters of Cyprus.
  3. To understand elasmobranch phenology, reproductive patterns and connectivity and phylogeny of Angel Sharks in a regional context.
  4. To feed these data into holistic bycatch management plans under the umbrella of the MAVA M4 Cyprus Bycatch Project and using existing advocacy materials translated to local languages.
  5. To understand the perception of stakeholders on the importance of elasmobranchs and increase awareness in order to enhance conservation.
  6. To propose conservation measures based on our findings through a peer-reviewed publication and feed results into MAVA M4 bycatch projects.

Duration: 06/09/2019 – 26/12/2020

Funded: MAVA Foundation

Co-funded: The Shark Trust, Zoological Society of London

Partner: SPOT