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Cyprus Bycatch Project Phase II

Cyprus Bycatch Project Phase II

Cyprus Bycatch Project Phase IIProject title: Understanding multi-taxa bycatch of vulnerable species and testing mitigation – a collaborative approach in Cyprus (Phase II) OAP: M4/M5 – Reducing fishing impacts and pressures on marine habitats and species Strategies:...

Cyprus Bycatch Project Phase I

Cyprus Bycatch Project Phase I

CYPRUS BYCATCH PROJECT PHASE IAim: Understanding multi-taxa ‘bycatch’ of vulnerable species and testing mitigation measures Objectives: This project will focus on Cyprus, an important part of the already prioritised regions on two separate fishing gears: gillnets and...



PROTecting MEDiterranean EAst (PROTOMEDEA)Aim: To design a Marine Protected Area (MPA) network, taking into account the protection of ecological characteristics and Essential Fish Habitats (EFH), significant areas for fisheries, as well as their socio-economic...



CYCLAMENAim: CYprus Cold-corals Levantine SeA, Eastern MEditerraneaN, The study of cold water coral communities around Cyprus. Objectives: Within the framework of the two-year project, CYCLAMEN will conduct a detailed study of cold coral (also known as deep water...



POSBEMED2What are they really, the so-called “phytzia” (as locals call them) present at many beaches of Cyprus? In fact, they are not phykia (algae in Greek), and for sure they are not waste! They are actually leaves of the endemic to Mediterranean, marine plant,...