Monk seal conservation in the Eastern Mediterranean

Aim: This project aims to improve the knowledge of the population of the Mediterranean monk seal at the eastern Mediterranean, monitoring their populations, contributing to the identification of critical habitat and creating or impulse conservation actions that would mitigate the negative interactions between fishermen and the species. Including bycatch and predation of fishing nets. 


STRATEGY A: Improve knowledge on species and habitats affected by unsustainable fishing practices;

STRATEGY B: Support advocacy;

STRATEGY C: Capacity building of relevant actors for implementing sustainable fishing practices

Duration: 01/04/2019 – 31/01/2021

Funded by: MAVA Foundation

Coordinating partner: IUCN MED

Direct partners: MOm, HCMR, Sad-Afag, METU, CWS, ENALIA, SPOT, CBD-Habitat